
Bakersfield Police Launch Program to Combat DUI Accidents

The Bakersfield Police Department just received a traffic safety grant that they plan on using to launch a DUI program to prevent DUI fatalities and injuries. The program will target DUI offenders and also educate the public on the dangers of drinking and driving. The money from the grant will be used for DUI checkpoints, saturation police, and sting operations that will target people who are repeat DUI offenders and have their licenses revoked. Police will also be educating motorcyclists since motorcycle accidents are on the rise. From 1998 to 2008, motorcycle accidents increased 175%.

Bakersfield has launched similar programs before and they have been proven effective. With increased DUI patrolling comes safer streets. As bad as it is to get a DUI, it is much worse if you actually kill someone while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Whether you live in Los Angeles County, Riverside County or Orange County, if you are charged with a DUI, call an experienced DUI defense attorney to assist you.

If you want to know more about driving under the influence, or your own charges, call DUI defense attorney William Weinberg @ 949.474.8008 in his Irvine office.

Posted in: DUI
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