
DUI Arrests On The Rise For Women

In the U.S., the rate of DUI arrests for women has rose 28.8% from 1998 to 2007. The Transportation Department also reports that during the same period, the rate of DUI arrests for men has dropped 7.5%. Even though DUI arrests for women have increased, men still get the majority of the DUI’s. In 2007, 626,371 men got a DUI compared to 162,493 women.

One explanation for the rise in women getting caught driving under the influence is that more women are working and need the stress release that alcohol provides. Another explanation is that police are cracking down on driving under the influence and not letting women get off with just a warning anymore.

Nevertheless, whether you live in Irvine, Santa Ana or Westminster, if you get charged with a DUI, you will need an experienced DUI defense attorney to assist you with your legal matters.

If you have any questions about driving under the influence or about your own charges, please call Orange County defense attorney William Weinberg, at 949.474.8009 (Irvine office) or 714.834.1400 (Orange office).

Posted in: DUI
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