
Orange County Gets Grant for DUI Enforcement

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department just received a three year, $874,852 grant for DUI prevention and enforcement. The grant will pay for DUI checkpoints, extra patrols, warrant searches and court stings (where officers follow people from court who have suspended licenses to see if they drive). The money will also be used to increase enforcement around big events like the O.C. Fair or sporting events. Additionally, money will be spent on extra officers around holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco De Mayo, to ensure that the roads are free of intoxicated drivers.

More DUI enforcement means more driving under the influence charges for the people of the county at first. After that, people will be aware that there are more cops around and that they are specifically targeting drunk drivers and people will be too scared to drive drunk. If you are celebrating an event and want to drink,arrange for a driver so that you do not have to worry about getting arrested. A DUI arrest will stay on your record and cost you quite a bit in fees. Whether you live in Westminster, Aliso Viejo or Stanton, if you are charged with a DUI, call an experienced DUI defense attorney right away to assist you.

If you want to know more about driving under the influence, or your own charges, call DUI defense attorney William Weinberg @ 949.474.8008 in his Irvine office.

Posted in: DUI
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